Leadership Development Programs and Resources

Students working together at tables in a classroom
Our Organizational & Employee Development team offers a number of programs and resources to help new and experienced leaders develop within the organization.

We recognize that developing as a leader is a continuous undertaking that is deeply embedded in each individual’s self-awareness, developmental stage, and experience. However, leaders must lead others—so leadership development involves the social processes of learning from and with others by sharing and generating ideas, expressing multiple perspectives born of individuals’ lived experiences, and challenging one another’s beliefs.

Our Organizational & Employee Development team offers a number of programs and resources to help new and experienced leaders develop within the organization, including:

  • Leading at Dartmouth Health Program: This program is a foundational leadership development program that gives leaders across the health system the opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills while also connecting with other leaders, regardless of level, area of expertise, or system member site. The program is offered both in person and virtually and focuses on a variety of topics, including tools to enhance self-discovery and personal effectiveness, techniques for managing individuals and teams, and tools to build operational excellence as well as strategic alignment.
  • Conaty Breakthrough Leadership Program: Offered for mid- and senior-level leaders throughout the Dartmouth Health system, this program builds on the foundational elements offered in Leading at Dartmouth Health and takes leaders to the next level by helping them further develop their skills and provide a highly supportive environment for their teams.
  • Dartmouth Health Leadership Mentor Program: The goal of this program is to pair motivated leaders who are facing challenges with certain leadership competencies or team engagement with a peer resource who can offer tips and best practice insight in the context of a confidential and trust-based relationship.
  • Leadership webinar series: Organizational & Employee Development hosts a monthly leadership webinar series. This series provides leaders with quick and efficient access to practical information that can be applied to their leadership practice. All sessions are live, 30-minute sessions focusing on skills relevant to our current leadership climate as well as timeless leadership topics, such as giving effective feedback and holding career development conversations with staff.
  • Management onboarding: We believe it is important for new leaders to have easy access to the information most critical for their success in a management position. This self-paced, eLearning course divides critical topics into 4 sections to be completed within 90 days. The sessions are released sequentially to support optimal learning and thoughtful review of content.

Employees can learn more about these and other leadership development opportunities by visiting the Organizational & Employee Development website on the intranet. Note: You must be connected to the Dartmouth Health network to access the intranet.

My favorite part of this course was the breakout groups and getting to know other leaders. Bouncing ideas off of each other and discussing similarities and differences at our various locations was so helpful.

Leading at Dartmouth Health Program participant