For Media

Dartmouth Health resources for journalists

Contact during business hours:

Nights, weekends, and holidays:

Call the operator at 603-650-5000 and ask for the Media Relations representative on call.

Press kit

All photos and video in our press kit are cleared for use on all digital, print and broadcast media platforms, with credit to Dartmouth Health.

Journalists seeking comment from Dartmouth Health providers, staff or patients, or to enter a Dartmouth Health facility for the purpose of gathering interviews, taking photos or video, etc., must contact Media Relations. All interviews and visits to Dartmouth Health facilities are staffed by a Media Relations representative, per Dartmouth Health policy.

Photography, videotaping and interviewing without Media Relations’ involvement is only permitted off campus (outside hospital/clinic/office buildings and beyond Dartmouth Health property from the street). However, journalists may be asked to leave the premises if found to be interfering with patient care or routine business. News vehicles may not park in fire lanes or block driveways.

In the event of an emergency, journalists and news vehicles may be required to report to a Media Center area designated by the Public Information Officer, to ensure transport of emergency vehicles and patient privacy. Updates, information and interviews will be provided at the Media Center as they become available.

Dartmouth Health’s full Media Relations policy may be viewed here.

Patient condition reports for journalists

Dartmouth Health’s Media Relations staff provides general patient condition information to journalists within the limitations imposed by the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The patient’s first and last name are required for us to research your request.

If the patient has consented to release of information, we will provide journalists with one of three, one-word conditions, as established by the American Hospital Association:

  • Fair: Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious, but may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable.
  • Serious: Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable.
  • Critical: Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable.

In some cases, even if the full name of a patient is provided, a spokesperson may say, “That name is not on the list of names of patients for whom we are authorized to release information.” There may be several reasons for this response:

  • The patient has exercised the right to have no information released regarding his or her hospitalization. Under federal law, any patient has the option to expressly state that they do not want information released, including confirmation of their presence at any Dartmouth Health facility. Release of detailed information or information on minors requires written consent of the parent, guardian or legal representative.
  • The person is not a patient at a Dartmouth Health facility.
  • The patient is being evaluated and has not yet been admitted to the hospital.
  • The patient has been discharged from an inpatient unit or was treated and released from the Emergency Department.
  • In the case of patients who have died, no information will be released until next-of-kin have been notified or all reasonable efforts to locate next-of-kin have been exhausted.

Patient interviews

At the discretion of the Media Relations staff, and in consultation with the patient’s medical care team, media requests for interviews are presented to patients and/or family members in a timely manner.

To ensure patient privacy, we do not accommodate requests for in-room or bedside interviews with patients. Even if the patients themselves make arrangements for an interview, it is still dependent on approval from the medical staff and Media Relations before final arrangements will be made.

Patients may not be interviewed on or from a Dartmouth Health facility without first signing a release form from Media Relations.

Drone policy

Dartmouth Health has a comprehensive Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Operations Policy to ensure the safe and legal use of drones across all our properties. This policy applies to all news media, employees and contracted entities intending to operate drones at a property or on behalf of Dartmouth Health.

We maintain a comprehensive library of aerial footage of our locations, available for use upon request. Any requests for new UAS operations require explicit approval. To obtain file footage or permission for drone use, individuals or entities must reach out to for the necessary guidance and authorization. Compliance with FAA regulations and Dartmouth Health's policies ensures the safety, privacy, and security of our patients, staff, and visitors during any UAS operation on our properties.

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth